Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hope is not Faith

Hope is not faith.  These words keep ringing in my ear.  My pastor said these words a few weeks ago and they stopped me in my tracks.  How many times have I said “I know Kate will be healed and I hope its on earth, not in heaven” or “am a realist, and know that Kate’s healing may not happen until she is in the arms of Jesus”?  How is it that I could say in one breath that I believed in Kate’s healing and the next say I hope for it?  Either I have faith or I have hope. 

When I heard those words, I knew that I needed to think about what I was saying when praying vs what I was saying in conversation or thinking.   Faith is believing what we cant see and while Kate doesn’t looked healed, I believe she will be.  Faith the size of a mustard seed is all I need and I have that!   Over the last few weeks I have been focused on my faith and truly believing, not just giving lip service.  I didn’t think that was what I was doing until I heard our pastor say hope is not faith.  It was then that I realized that I was saying one thing, and believing another thing.  I wasnt doubting God's ability, but wasnt placing all my trust in Him.  Why?  Maybe to protect my heart?  Maybe so I didn’t sound like a crazy person for being hyper religious?  Whatever the reason, my thinking and believing have been transformed. I am praying with the belief of healing.   

What are you praying for?  What are you believing God can and will do?  Whatever it is you are praying for, pray with the full confidence that God is capable.  Don’t doubt his abilities or desires. 

Matthew 14:31 NIV Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?

Matthew 17:20 NIV He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV We live by faith, not by sight.

After I posted this another batten parent and I discussed the whether or not hope can be faith.  When I say discuss, I mean we shared a few thoughts on Facebook.  I wanted to include what I said about hope vs faith, because my thoughts may not have been as clear as I had hoped in the above blog.  

I agree hope can be faith but also think hope can diminish your faith. I know what I mean, but may struggle to explain it. I will give it a try - hope in something can mean you also have faith in it. However, sometimes, your hope may be a sign of lack of trust or confidence. When I was praying for healing but following it w "I hope God heals her" I wasn't showing faith. My hope took away from faith. Maybe it depends on the order of your thoughts or belief that makes the biggest difference? If your hope leads to faith, then your confidence in your request is solid but if your hope comes after faith, then you don't have a 100% confidence in what you desire or believe to be possible ? Hope that makes sense.

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